

卢宇  (LU Yu),副教授(Associate Professor)

研究兴趣 (Research Interests)
Educational Data Mining, Learning Analytics, and Pervasive Computing

本科(B.S.) — 北京航空航天大学 (Beihang University)
博士 (Ph.D.) — 新加坡国立大学 (National University of Singapore)

工作经历 (Working Experience)
Conducted R&D work in both academia and industry for Singapore and European companies. Before joining BNU, worked at Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR, Singapore as a research scientist and principle investigator.

科研项目(Research Grant)
中国国家自然科学基金青年项目 (Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China) --- 主持 (PI)
中国教育部人文社科基金青年项目 (Grant from Ministry of Education of China) --- 主持 (PI)
新加坡联合创新基金 (Grant from A*STAR and LTA)  --- 主持 (PI)
新加坡教育部学术科研基金 (Grant from Ministry of Education of Singapore) --- 参与 (Investigator)

Recent Publications (2015-2018)
1) Book Chapter:
Yu Lu, “Enabling User Context Utilization in the Internet Communication Protocols: Motivation, Architecture and Examples,” Beyond the Internet of Things: Everything Interconnected, Springer, 2016.
2) Journal Paper (Selected)
Yu Lu, Archan Misra, Wen Sun, Huayu Wu, “Smartphone Sensing Meets Transport Data: A Collaborative Framework for Transportation Service Analytics,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol.17, no.4, pp.945-960, 2018. (SCI-Q1)

Yu Lu, Sen Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wendong Xiao, Shengquan Yu, “A Framework for Learning Analytics Using Commodity Wearable Devices,” Sensors, vol. 17, no. 6. 2017. (SCI-Q1)

Yu Lu, Zeng Zeng, Huayu Wu, Jingjing Zhang, “An Intelligent System for Taxi Service: Analysis, Prediction and Visualization,” AI Communications, vol. 31, no.1, pp.33-46, 2018. (SCI)

Yu Lu, Motani Mehul and W. C. Wong, “A QoE-Aware Resource Distribution Framework Incentivizing Context Sharing and Moderate Competition,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 24, no.3, pp. 1364-1377, 2016. (SCI-Q1)
3) Conference Paper (Selected)
Yu Lu, Chen Chen, Penghe Chen, Xiyang Chen, Zijun Zhuang., “Smart Learning Partner: An Interactive Robot for Education,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), London, UK, 2018.

Yu Lu, Gim Guan Chua, Huayu Wu, Clement Ong Shi Qi, “An Intelligent System for Taxi Service Monitoring, Analytics and Visualization,” International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Demo, New York, NY, 2016. 

Seong Ping Chuah, Huayu Wu, Yu Lu, Liang Yu: Bus Routes Design and Optimization via Taxi Data Analytics. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Indianapolis, USA, 2016. 

Dheeraj Kumar, Huayu Wu, Yu Lu, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Marimuthu Palaniswami, “Understanding Urban Mobility via Taxi Trip Clustering,” IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), Porto, Portugal, 2016. 
Yu Lu, Shili Xiang and Wei Wu, "Taxi Queue, Passenger Queue or No Queue? - A Queue Detection and Analysis System using Taxi State Transition," International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT), Belgium, 2015.
Tadashi Okoshi, Yu Lu, Chetna Vig, Youngki Lee, Rajesh Krishna Balan and Archan Misra “QueueVadis: Queuing Detection and Analytics using Smartphones,” International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), Seattle, WA, 2015. 
Yu Lu, Wei Wu, Shili Xiang, Huayu Wu, "A Queue Analytics System for Taxi Service Using Mobile Crowd Sensing," in Adjunct Proceedings of ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Poster Paper, Osaka, Japan, 2015. 
学术活动(Academic Activity)
Serve as the PC member and reviewer for multiple top international conferences and journals.


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